Friday 29 June 2012

I'm walking in the air

I have bought some new shoes, and I am so surprised at how comfortable they are.  For a few years I have had metatarsalgia, so walking any distance has been rather painful, as well as having bunions, so imagine how surprised I am to have absolutely pain-free feet for the first time for as long as I can remember.

These are the beauties that feel so wonderful.

They are Skechers Shape Ups Action packed, and they are amazing!  I have been reading the reviews on Amazon, and apparently they are just the same as MBT's but £100 cheaper.  Actually, these were a bargain.  They are £65 at Amazon, but I bought them from Costco for £23, brilliant.  

There seems to be some controversy about whether they actually tone your muscles. Well, they will enable me to walk more, which must surely have health benefits.  I don't believe they will be a short cut to more toning, but then I don't believe in short cuts anyway.

I've worn them for most of today, and my feet feel more comfortable in these shoes than they do in just my socks.  I am so pleased to have accidentally stumbled upon something that has enabled pain free walking, very happy.


Pom Pom said...

Hi Jayne!
I have to tell you that they really made my knee hurt. Sad face, I know. I gave them away because another friend said the same thing. Another friend has experienced great relief from heel pain because she wears the real expensive brand.
I really hope they work for you.

Jayne said...

Mmmm.... so far so good, but maybe I need to buy some MBT's!

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